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Strong Motion Network

ITSAK-EPPO operates a free field strong motion network that spans the whole Greek teritory. It consists of about 250 accelerometers installed in all major Greek cities.

ITSAK-EPPO Strong Motion Network is a member of the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) with network code HI and digital identifier (DOI)

The following map shows the current status of the ITSAK-EPPO strong motion network.

A listing of network stations can be found here.


ITSAK National Accelerometric Network

Network History

The ITSAK-EPPO Strong Motion Network has been developed in numerous occassions through the years. With the most recent financial support by the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization the deployment of about 120 new instruments took place. This latest deployment consists of Guralp CMG-5TDE accelerographs, equipped with broadband accelerometers, 24 bits digitizers and GPS. The instruments transmit real-time data continuously through the Greek Public Administration Network (SYZEFXIS) to the premises of ITSAK-EPPO in Thessaloniki.

Earlier, a network of hybrid systems consisting of GSR-24 recorders equipped with Guralp CMG-5T accelerometers was installed at selected sites of the Central Macedonia Region following a financial support of the Region of Central Macedonia. Under the same support another network of 4 six-channels Guralp systems was installed for continuous simultaneous recordings both on surface and at various depths within boreholes. These systems are equipped with Guralp CMG-5T (for surface recordings) and Guralp bore hole (for down hole recordings) broadband accelerometers and GPS timing systems.

ITSAK-EPPO network also includes instruments which are in trigger node and are connected to ITSAK-EPPO premises in Thessaloniki with dial-up telephone telemetry. These instruments are:

  • QDR (which installed and replaced the analog SMA-1) having resolution of 11 bits and
  • ETNA having resolution of 18 bits.

Arrays of numerous accelerometers (CMG-5TDE) are deployed in large populated areas (Attica, Thessaloniki and Patras) or at areas with high financial or touristic interests (Central Crete and Northern Rhodes Island). Furthermore, special emphasis was given in the instrumentation of the Mygdonia Graben where the EUROSEISTEST array is located.