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Scientific Programs



Efficient high-frequency surface wave tomography for seismological site characterization

Date: 2011 – 2013
Active: No
Organisation: State Scholarships Foundation-ΙKY (
Partners: ITSAK, AUTh, IGUoP
Co-ordinator: A. Savvaidis (ITSAK, Greece)
Project Manager: Alexandros Savvaidis

Primary scientific goal of this project is the establishment of novel measurement strategies for an efficient structural imaging of shallow and medium depth sedimentary environments using noise correlation tomography (NCT). The NCT has become an important tool within passive seismic observation campaigns and is based on a simple statement from the theory of diffuse wave fields. This statement says that the correlation of the observations at two spatially separated recording stations images the propagation properties of the medium in between those stations.

In practice, given the characteristics of the seismic background ambient vibration wave field and the position of seismological recording equipment on the surface of the Earth, on observes usually the surface wave portion in the correlation results. If one chooses to evaluate all two-station combinations of a network recording, it is possible to apply tomographic imaging techniques using distinct periods of the observed surface waves and thus allows sensing different depths of the medium.

Currently experiments are optimized to long term recordings for obtaining best signal to noise ratios in the analysis results. At small spatial scales and industrial type applications (geotechnically relevant dimensions for structural engineering projects / seismological site characterization), however, it is of considerable interest to find optimal measurement strategies which minimize experiment time while at the same time do maintain the tomographic imaging quality and thus allows for 3D structural interpretation at reasonable cost.