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Scientific Programs



Comparison and Evaluation of Different Surface Geophysical Methods for the Estimation of the Dynamic Properties of Subsurface in Seismological Stations and Elaboration of this data in GMPEs

Date: 2012 – 2015
Active: No
Organisation: European Commission (
Partners: ASPAITE, ITSAK, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras
Co-ordinator: Panagiotis C. Pelekis - Associate Professor Dept. of Civil Engineering School of Pedagogical & Technological Education
Project Manager: Alexandros Savvaidis

In this project we compare and evaluate different surface geophysical methods in order to estimate the dynamic properties of the subsurface. Those methods are applied in situ and not in the lab without changing the earth's material.

Additionally, they are cost effective and fast to implement on the field since a borehole is not necessary. Finally, they are of great interest since they can be used in a massive number of applications (geotechnical research, building subsidence, Microzonation, ground motion prediction equations, loss estimation in case of an earthquake).