Επιστημονικά Προγράμματα



InGeoCloudS - INspired GEOdata CLOUD Services

Διάρκεια: 2012 – 2014
Ενεργό : Όχι
Φορέας χρηματοδότησης: Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή (FP7 - ICT Policy Support Programme)
Συμμετέχοντες φορείς: ΟΑΣΠ, ΙΓΜΕΜ, ΙΤΕ, AKKA, GEUS, GEOZS, BRGM
Συντονιστής: Benoit Baurens - R&D Project Manager (AKKA Informatique et Systèmes)
Υπεύθυνος: Κυριακή Κωνσταντινίδου

URL: www.ingeoclouds.eu, portal.ingeoclouds.eu

The INspired GEOdata CLOUD Services (InGeoCloudS) project aims at demonstrating the feasibility of employing a cloud-based infrastructure coupled with the necessary services to provide seamless access to geospatial public sector information, especially targeting the geological, geophysical and other geoscientific information. This kind of information possesses interesting characteristics like the size of the available data, the existing metadata descriptions (mostly according to the European Directive INSPIRE) and the current availability of related services that can be moved to the cloud.